January 28th, 2011 by Teresa Press
F.L.O.M. directory in PMO website removed
Jan 28, 11 2:50pm
The directory page of the Prime Minister’s Office website carrying information on a mysterious and much debated “F.L.O.M. division”, has been removed.
Some bloggers argued that the listing on the directory shows that it is a full-fledged division in the PMO meant to serve Rosmah Mansor, wife of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Among others, some bloggers had posted videos clips of telephone calls to one Nurul Rosemiemmy Khasimi @ Mohamed, listed under the F.L.O.M. division directory as an “assistant officer with special functions”.
In one video a caller fails to talk to Nurul Rosemiemmy with the person at the other end saying that she was away accompanying one “Datin Rosmah”.
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首相署网页赫现第一夫人部门 郭素沁抨击纳吉撒谎隐瞒国会
January 28th, 2011 by Teresa Press
中午 12点40分
中午 12点40分
首相夫人罗斯玛是否动用公款设立个人办公室的争议� ��起。民主行动党士布爹区国会议员郭素沁今天揭露� �首相署官方网站曾出现“第一夫人部门”的人事资料 ,已足以证明罗斯玛办公室的存在。
她因此抨击首相纳吉在去年底向国会撒谎,宣称政府� ��给罗斯玛委派正式的职员。
“随着这次的揭露,纳吉必须立即坦白为何他说谎,� ��认自己的过错,并且为误导国会和马来西亚人一并� �起责任。”
郭素沁也要求罗斯玛向民众解释,为何她对纳吉的谎� ��默不作声,以致自己成为这次欺瞒的共谋。
也是雪兰莪高级行政议员的郭素沁(右图)今天发表� ��告指出,首相署日前被揭发拥有一个“第一夫人部� �”(F.L.O.M Division)在专责侍候罗斯玛。
她指出,相关的证据就在首相署本身的人事资料网页� ��
郭素沁补充说,在引起公众的批评之后,这个网页却� ��两三天前突然遭撤走。这种情况让人产生更多的疑� �。
凯里直斥修法兼管网络荒谬 党团人士指马哈迪时代重现
January 28th, 2011 by Teresa Press
傍晚 6点21分
傍晚 6点21分
随着政府传出有意修法,将网络媒体纳入《1984年印刷 及出版法令》,许多党团今天纷纷提出反对,认为该� ��动违逆资讯开放的大潮流,实属开倒车的决策,并� �为这项决定违背前首相马哈迪保证不审查网络的承诺 之余,更显示马哈迪严管媒体的铁腕政治重现。
《当今大马》今日联络上多名媒体工作者、非政府组� ��与政党人士的看法,他们都大力反对政府这项修改� �令决策。
Redberry媒体集团顾问阿希鲁丁(Ahiruddin Attan)认为,政府此举实属开倒车的决定,违背了前� �相马哈迪绝不审查网际网络的承诺。
“我记得首相纳吉最常用的句子,‘我不束缚媒体’� ��”
Najib Razak lied to the Dewan Rakyat about the “First Lady of Malaysia Division”
January 28th, 2011 by Teresa Press
Press statement by Teresa Kok, Selangor State Senior EXCO and MP for Seputeh in Shah Alam dated 28 January 2011
The existence of a full-fledged “F.L.O.M Division” or “First Lady of Malaysia Division” in the Prime Minister’s Office proves that Najib Razak lied to the Dewan Rakyat when he stated that Rosmah Mansor has no staff of her own, while Rosmah stayed silent, complicit to his lie.
Prime Minister Najib Razak lied to the Dewan Rakyat in November 2010 when in his parliamentary answer to Bukit Bendera, he said that there are no full-time staff or contract staff specially assigned to his wife, Rosmah Mansor. (Source:http://bm.liewchintong.com/?p=350)
Najib’s statement has now been proven to be a pack of lies with the discovery that there exists a “F.L.O.M (First Lady of Malaysia) Division” in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) dedicated to serving Rosmah Mansor as evidenced by the PMO’s very own staff directory web page.
The fact that the web page was suddenly removed 2-3 days ago upon being criticized by the public makes the existence of this Division all the more suspicious.
This F.L.O.M Division is a full-fledged unit. It has 6 staff members, same in stature as the PMO’s Media Division, Policy & Research Division, SMPKE (ICT) Division, and is even larger in size than the Economy Division which is supposedly of prime importance to Najib.
With this revelation, Najib must immediately come clean on why he lied, admit his guilt and bear full responsibility for misleading the Dewan Rakyat and all Malaysians in one swoop.
“First Lady”Rosmah Mansor must also explain to the public why she has stood silent and allowed Najib’s lie to proceed, making her complicit to his deceitfulness.
As Prime Minister, Najib Razak and his spouse Rosmah Mansor, must both be held to the highest standards of integrity if they are to lead Malaysia and represent Malaysia on the world stage. Our country’s reputation and our children’s future is at stake. I urge all Malaysians to hold Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor accountable on all their misdeeds until the full force of justice falls upon them.
Teresa Kok
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